IMPORTANT: If you are attending the conference and need housing and food, you MUST fill the registration form out. The registration fee this year is $5-10. We will be providing housing for everyone attending who needs it, and breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday.

¡ATENCIÓN! ATTENTION! We are capable of providing multilingual materials for Spanish and French speaking antifascists. If your chapter or crew would like us to make materials available in these languages let us know in your registration form.

The Greater Pittsburgh Anarchist Collective is hard at work planning this year’s ARA Conference. It is our hope that this year’s conference be welcoming to a wide-range of antifascists, radicals, and all those fighting for a classless free society. We wanted to make it a specific point that we want this conference to be attended by more than just chapters of the Anti-Racist Action Network. Our collective is always seeking to expand antifascist and antiauthoritarian struggle and we hope that this conference can be utilized to that end.

The conference will be held over 4 days in beautiful Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We’ll be meeting just two weeks after the G20 descends on our city with its vileness and capitalist insanity. With any luck the momentum of resistance created during the G20 will carry over to our conference, further building and expanding this movement. Officially planned activities will include workshops, social events, meals, general discussions, caucuses, and the decision-making sessions for the ARA Network. Spontaneous workshops may also be held if space permits.

Keep an eye out on our website at www.antiracistaction.org for updates and more detailed information about the conference that is coming. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or helping with facilitation please send us an e-mail at [email protected].

We hope to see all of you there so we can share our ideas, visions, projects, and strategies. Now let’s get down to business.


Check-in is where you will receive our welcome packet (to include maps, schedules, places to eat, and other information) and be paired up with housing. The registration fee is payable here.

Check in will be held at the following times:

All check-in times are at the GPAC space at 5001 Penn Avenue Fl 1. Pittsburgh PA 15224

Thursday October 8th 7pm-12 Midnight Friday October 9th 7pm-12 Midnight Saturday October 10th 7:30am-8:30am

REGISTRATION FORM (you MUST fill this out and send it to [email protected] if you need housing and food!!)

Please fill this out and send to [email protected] as soon as you can so we can have an idea of housing and food needs. Waiting until the last minute might leave you house and food-less.


Would you like to volunteer?  __________

Is there a specific day you’d like to volunteer on? ___Fri ___Sat ___Sun ___Mon
What sort of volunteer work would you be interested in? ___
Facilitating a workshop ___  Food Preparation ___ Set up ___ Clean up


Tel # or E-mail ______________________________


ARA Chapter (If any) ______________________________ ____________________________ (A small number of events are for ARA Network members only for private decision making)

When will you be arriving? ______________________________ _____________________________ Will you need directions to the check in site via public transit? ______________________________ _____________________________


(If you don’t need housing, skip past this part)

How long will you need housing?
______________________________ ______________________

Do you have allergies? ______________________________ ______________________

Do you need a bed (for health reasons)? ______________________________ _______________________

Will you have a young one (or more) with you? ______________________________ _______________________

I am … (Check all that apply) ___ a smoker ___ a non-smoker ___ a vegan ___ a vegetarian ___ an omnivore

Anything else we need to consider? ______________________________ __________________________


There is a limited amount of space for tabling

There is no fee for tabling – there will be no charge for the people working the tables, unless they plan to participate in the conference, in which case they will need to pay the full registration fee.

Please let us know if you are bringing your own table or need us to provide one.

Name of Tabling Group ______________________________ ___________________________
Number of tables needed: ___ 1/2 table ___ 1 table ___ 2 tables

**** PLEASE EMAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM TO [email protected] ****