New Yorkers Against David Irving claims victory against Holocaust revisionist David Irving.

Irving was scheduled to speak on November 14th at the Catholic Kolping Society on East 88th Street. Concerned citizens, including New Yorkers Against David Irving, made several calls to the venue, explaining who David Irving is and why he was hiding behind a fictitious name in order to reserve space at their facility. Further, they demanded that the event be canceled.

New Yorkers Against David Irving firmly believes that Holocaust revisionists and deniers and neo-Nazi sympathizers have no place in NYC – or anywhere else for that matter! We will always take action to ensure our city stays clean from the likes of David Irving and other fascist scum.

David Irving could still get a backup venue for his talk and we are on the lookout for that. We are planning on confronting Irving’s Manhattan event if that happens, and at this point are continuing with our original plans for Saturday. Stay tuned for possible last minute updates.

The NYC event was just one of many that is going on across the country, part of a national speaking tour. Other tour dates are listed on We encourage others in these cities to take action and shut down David Irving’s tour. Be on the lookout for Irving in your city. We know that he has been passing himself off as a legitimate historian – booking events at bookstores, colleges and now church halls. At other times he books events under the rubric of having a book club meeting.

New Yorkers Against David Irving commends Kolping New York for making the right call and promptly canceling the event. Thanks are also in order to everyone who called and helped get this event shut down. With your help, we sent a strong message that fascists are not welcome in NYC.

Give David Irving a call and tell him we’ll miss him in Manhattan. You can reach him directly on his cell phone — 305.923.6779.


Signed: New Yorkers Against David Irving [email protected]