Category: News

  • Callout to Confront INSF “White Pride World Wide” March in Chicago

    On March 21st, 2010 the Illinois National Socialist Front is planning to march in Chicago for what they call “White Pride World Wide”. South Side Anti-Racist Action is making plans to confront the march to let them know that they are not welcome in our city. March 21st is recognized as International Day for the […]


    During the weekend of October 9th-12th, the Anti-Racist Action Network will be holding its 15th annual conference in Pittsburgh, PA. We areinviting all members of Anti-Racist Action as well as all anti-fascists who agree with our 4 Points of Unity (see the end). The conference, taking place over 4 days, will include ARA’s annual plenary, […]

  • Against Fascism, Capitalism and the State – A communique from Anti-Racist Action on the battle of FTAA

    From April 19-21 anti-fascists from Anti-Racist Action (ARA) were once again on the front lines against fascism, capitalism and the state as part of the Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Offensive in the battle of Quebec City against the FTAA. What follows is a communiqué on our take on those days. We make no attempt to speak for […]

  • Michigan Antifascists Face Riot Charges–Again

    ANN ARBOR, MI- The Michigan Court of Appeals reinstated charges last week against six antifascists accused of inciting a riot at a May 1998 Ku Klux Klan/neo-Nazi rally held in front of Ann Arbor City Hall. The charges had been dismissed in 1999, but were overturned on appeal from Washtenaw County Prosecutor Brian Mackie. According […]

  • Smash Hate 2002 – Make the Maritimes a Nazi-Free Zone

    On May 10-12 converge in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada for SMASH HATE 2002. The weekend will feature concerts, teach-ins, panel discussions, and a spirited march through downtown Moncton. Moncton is a center for Nazi activity and organizing in Atlantic Canada. There have been cross burnings, racist graffiti, and street confrontations with minorities and anti-racist youth. […]

  • Rose City Antifa Expose Nazi Trash

    On the night of Tuesday, July 7, members of Rose City Antifa posted 200 flyers along NW 21st and 23rd Avenues in Portland, exposing Julian Lee, a white supremacist who has been plastering that neighborhood—-amongst others-—with racist propaganda for months. Julian Lee lives in the St. Francis apartments at 526 NW 21st Avenue. We encourage […]


    Rally for Unity, Diversity and Solidarity Newport Beach CA Saturday, March 30, 12 noon Matt Hale, leader of the racist World Church of the Creator (WCOTC), is coming to southern CA. Local members scheduled a speech by Hale on Sat., March 30 at 2:00 PM at the Marina Library/Victor Jorgenson Community Center in Newport Beach. […]


    Smash the National Alliance’s racist rally and white-power show! On August 24th, the National Alliance is planning “Rock Against Israel”: a demonstration of white supremacist Hitler-fetishists protesting against the white supremacist U.S. government’s support of white supremacist religious nuts in Israel. (Confused yet?) They plan to rally at the Capitol building from 11:00 am to […]

  • Local Anti-Racist Shot in Downtown Portland

    Shortly after midnight on Saturday, March 27, a man was brutally attacked in the heart of downtown Portland. His attacker shot him and left him lying in the street. He is currently fighting to overcome extensive injuries. It is no secret that this man, Luke Querner, is a long-time anti-fascist activist. He has devoted over […]

  • On The Prowl reboot

    On The Prowl was a publication formerly distributed by the Anti-Racist Action chapter in Toronto. In tribute, we have used the name for this blog (and for an accompanying yet to be published print version). On The Prowl was initiated to report on international anarchist news with a focus on anti-fascist and anti-racist organizing in […]